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Easy ‘Back to school’ transition with best ‘student health and safety’ protocols

  • 23 February 2022

“Seamless School Return: Ensuring Student Health and Safety with Top Protocols”

The health and safety of the members of our school community is our priority. We welcomed our students back to school with all Covid-19 safety protocols in place. All the measures were carefully devised in order to provide the safest possible learning environment to our students. Early planning and preparation were key to ensure health and safety of the students and staff. During the lockdown, the school continued to put in place enhanced cleaning practices. The frontline workers of the school work tirelessly to make the school a safe place. Our support staff are thoroughly trained to undertake safety measures in classrooms, school buses, open spaces and corridors. Safety norms in place The preventive measures and practices are regularly reinforced for the students in a sustained manner by their teachers. Guidelines shared through posters and signages in multiple locations advocate responsible behaviour such as maintaining distance, wearing masks and ensuring proper hand hygiene. Students are required to submit a Health Declaration form before resuming physical school and inform the school in case of any symptoms or travel history. Temperature checks during entry and exit, compulsory masks, floor markings in common areas, availability of hand sanitizers in all areas of the school and regular cleaning of surfaces and equipment are some of the measures taken to ensure safe spaces for students. The number and duration of breaks between classes are planned in such a way so as to allow staggered break-times for students. Enhanced protocols have been introduced for the kitchen staff and food vendors. Well-trained medical team and defined guidelines Adherence to Covid safety protocol is mandatory for all students, staff and visitors on campus. Strict and thorough guidelines have been shared with all the staff and visitors. We closely follow all directives by the authorities and communicate any updates with all our stakeholders. Our campus has also successfully organized Covid-19 vaccination drives for teachers, staff, support staff and their families. Our school has an on-site medical team trained to take appropriate measures for any person reporting any symptoms during a school day. An isolation room with trained staff members is set up in case of any suspected cases. Any symptomatic person will be immediately isolated in the designated area until further assessment is undertaken by a member of the medical team. Our global Nord Anglia team helps us to bring in the best practices from other schools who have reopened after the lockdown. We continue to follow high standards of safety measures which are regularly reviewed. The best interest of our students is paramount and our teachers and staff continue to work towards building safe spaces in school. With the highest priority on ‘health and safety’ of every Oakridger, we continue to ensure high quality learning engagements for our students in face-to-face, blended and virtual school mode.

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