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Excellence under all circumstances

  • 10 August 2021

MYP Students at Oakridge International School receive their outstanding E-Assessment result

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP) results are out and Oakridge International School, Bengaluru, has plenty to cheer about. With the highest score of 56/56 and 27.5 % of the students at 50+, Oakridge students have made the whole school community extremely proud. The MYP results are stellar in all its ways starting from an entire year of virtual classes to taking ‘Alternative Task Assessments’ at home during these unprecedented circumstances.

“I would like to attribute our batch’s success to the amazingly supportive Oakridge faculty who always put our needs as a priority. Thank you! This experience showed all of us that hard work always pays off!” says Anmol Malik, Student.

“This past year has been a truly unique experience, and I could not have done it without the tireless support and dedication of my teachers and the faculty at Oakridge,” says Athmika Krishnan, Student.

In my third grade, I moved from the US, and the transition from another country felt like moving up a grade. Our teachers have been extremely caring. They not only support our academic progression, but they have also been instrumental in nurturing our personal, social and emotional development as well. “My journey through the primary years to the middle year program of IB has made me a confident and independent learner and I am looking forward to my Diploma program at Oakridge and I am sure that our affectionate, committed and experienced teachers are going to facilitate the way forward and get us ready so we can make a positive difference to the world”, says Annya Mohanty.

Oakridge International School, Bengaluru is known for its world-class education. By scoring above the global average in International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme 4 years in a row, Oakridge has further cemented its position as a leading international school in the country.

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