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What makes CAS in IB schools unique?

  • 19 February 2024

CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) is an integral part of the IB curriculum. What makes it unique, though? CAS at Oakridge International School Bengaluru is designed to encourage students to actively engage in a range of activities outside the classroom that foster personal growth and development. This year the theme of CAS trips was “Open-mindedness” aligning with the IB mission to create “inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world.” MYP 3 students explored Coorg, MYP 4 toured temples at Vijayanagar, (Hampi) and DP 1 visited the Andaman Islands.

here are some aspects that make CAS at Oakridge unique:

Holistic Development
CAS is not just about academic achievements; it emphasizes holistic development by encouraging students to explore and develop their creativity, physical activity, and service to others. Students who visited Andamans engaged in snorkeling adventure and raft making activity along with exploring the ecology of the islands.
Real-World Experiences
CAS trips often involve real-world experiences, taking students out of their comfort zones and exposing them to different cultures, environments, and challenges. The 8km trek to a mountain 4000 ft above the sea-level and the coffee brewing sessions in Coorg were experiences that broadened the perspectives our IB learners.
Interdisciplinary Learning
CAS activities, including trips, often involve interdisciplinary learning. Students engage in activities that combine elements of creativity, physical activity, and service, providing a well-rounded educational experience.
Reflection Component
A key aspect of CAS is reflection. Students reflect on their experiences during and after CAS trips, considering what they have learned, how they have grown, and the impact of their actions on both themselves and the community. Students who visited Hampi recorded their experiences and reflections in journals to keep the memories.
Community Service
CAS has a strong service component, allowing students to contribute positively to communities in need. The Suvriddhi Community Project raise funds for the renovation 5 government schools in Sarjapur. The proceeds generated from student-led activities are dedicated to ensuring that underprivileged children have access to proper sanitation, a necessity that significantly impacts their health and well-being.
Global Awareness
IB continuum schools often emphasize international-mindedness, and CAS contribute to this by exposing students to global issues, diverse cultures, and different perspectives.

In summary, CAS in Oakridge International School Bengaluru is unique due to the focus on holistic development, real-world experiences, interdisciplinary learning, reflection, community service, and global awareness. These experiences are designed to complement academic performance and help students become well-rounded individuals with a sense of social responsibility.