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Journey Through the PYP Exhibition: Exploring Identity, Diversity, and Well-being

  • 20 February 2024

Exploring Identity, Diversity, and Well-being: A Journey through the PYP Exhibition

In the heart of our vibrant IB community, a dazzling spectacle of creativity, innovation, research, inquiry, passion, and action unfolds annually – the PYP (Primary Years Programme) Exhibition. Far beyond a mere culmination of learning, this event is a grand celebration of curiosity, creativity, and collaboration.

Theme and Focus

This year’s PYP Exhibition centred around the thematic core of “Who We Are.” While pressing global concerns about identity, students delved into various issues, exploring dimensions of identity, relationships within communities, human rights, equality, beliefs, cross-cultural understanding, role models, and the significance of health and well-being. The overarching Central Idea was eloquently framed as, ‘Human behaviour, actions, and ideas can impact one’s own identity and society,’ providing a profound platform for meaningful discussions, research, and actions.

Inquiry and Research

At the heart of the PYP Exhibition lay a rich tapestry of personal narratives and extensive research. Through interactive displays and projects, students embarked on a voyage to uncover the diverse facets of identity, embracing their unique backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences. Each student’s journey offered a glimpse into the rich tapestry of individual and collective identity, from family traditions to cultural heritage. The inquiry and research fostered a deeper appreciation for diversity and inclusion, unveiling the intricate layers that shape our understanding of self and others.

Collaboration and Action

The PYP Exhibition championed a culture of collaboration and collective action. Students, as young as they were, collaborated with local organizations, experts, and community members to deepen their understanding and explore global opportunities for meaningful change. Engagements ranged from insightful talks with professionals like Dr. Anupama on identity crisis and Mr. Gagan Bhatia, a renowned influencer sharing insights on role models. The focus on culture had students interacting with Ms Cristina Leme De Queiroz Shukla to explore the richness of cultures across boundaries. The students didn’t stop at gaining insights; they took meaningful actions, from spreading awareness through street plays to making positive differences in the lives of those at Jyoti Sarup Kanya Asra Society and Prabh Asra.

By immersing themselves in these actions, students claimed ownership of their learning and embraced a profound responsibility to pave the way for a better future that benefits all individuals.

As we conclude another enriching PYP Exhibition, the transformative power of the PYP curriculum shines through. It shapes students into empathetic, global-minded individuals whose insights will continue to mould their beliefs, outlooks, and actions. Their impact, we believe, stretches far beyond our school community, resonating globally as they embark on their next educational endeavours.