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Importance of show and tell in holistic child development

  • 6 October 2023

Show and tell in IB EYP is like opening a treasure chest of confidence, communication, and camaraderie. For preschoolers, those magical show and tell days are more than just a chance to display their beloved toys; they are stepping stones towards holistic development.

In this blog, we’ll delve into why this age-old tradition isn’t just a fun classroom activity but a vital tool that boosts self-esteem, enhances oral skills, and promotes social connection among our little learners. Here is how the fascinating world of show and tell and discover its profound impact on early childhood development.

Boosts Self-Esteem and Articulation Skills

Show and tell days offer young children a chance to proudly present their cherished possessions to their peers. This exciting opportunity allows them to share their thoughts and engage with the class. As they articulate their feelings about the item, they not only enhance their self-esteem but also improve their ability to express themselves effectively.

Enhances Oral Skills

Interactive classroom discussions, particularly structured activities like show and tell, play a pivotal role in honing a child’s speaking abilities. It fosters the development of public speaking skills, helping children become more comfortable addressing audiences, whether it’s their classmates, teachers, or parents. With a format that includes presentations and Q&A sessions, children learn to use descriptive language and construct complete sentences. Encouraging questions like “Why is this special to you?” or “How does this work?” strengthens their descriptive abilities and encourages fearless communication.

Promotes Social Skills

Show and tell is a group activity that imparts valuable social skills to children. It teaches them to be attentive listeners and respectful audience members. They must refrain from distracting the speaker, maintain focus, exercise patience, use polite language, and avoid putting others down. Meanwhile, the speaker learns the importance of facing the audience, adjusting their volume for clarity, and effectively sharing their special object.

Sandhya Gunda
Home Room Teacher