Transformation of virtual classrooms
What’s Happening

Transformation of virtual classrooms

  • 15 February 2021

Adapting to the New Era of Digital Learning

The digital platform has broken the boundaries of formal education across the world and the Covid Pandemic have paved the way for both teachers and students to be technologically efficient over time. Parents have been instrumental in guiding young learners from the very start of our virtual classroom journey and they continue to do so.

Today’s learners are digital natives and so the transition to virtual classroom was very smooth. At all times, our prime focus is to nurture our learners with, Academic honesty, E-safety and digital citizenship to help them upskill their day to day online exploration with media and information literacy.

Virtual classrooms have wide opened doors for better student collaboration through breakout rooms and Online screen sharing feature has empowered learners to confidently share their work with peers and take feedback or suggestions open-minded. Instant access to the internet has made it possible to get information for inquiry at their doorsteps.

“Technology will not replace great teachers but technology in the hands of great teachers can be transformational “—George Couros.

Teachers have maximized the usage of differentiated technologies to enhance learner’s communication and presentation skills by exposing them to a variety of new educational tools. The challenging part has been to provide quality insight into WHY/WHEN/HOW part of the usage of technology tools and we have done a remarkable job so far in giving clarity to our learners.

To further smoothen learners, VSE Journey, we have come up with E-class tool kit which is a one-stop place for learners to facilitate enhanced presentations, reflections giving insight into a wide range of tools library categorized based on the learning objectives and outcomes.

Right from brainstorming through mindmaps, expressing through videos, gif images, animations, coding, digital storybooks, comic strips conducting online quizzes for peers and initiating guest session for junior classes, power of this technology transformation in virtual classrooms has taken learners creativity and innovation to an extraordinary level which is truly commendable.

All the best students for a furthermore online journey!!

Ms.Niji Varghese, PYP ICT Facilitator

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