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6 Ways to incorporate Storytelling in a child’s learning

  • 2 November 2022

6 Creative Ways to Incorporate Storytelling into a Child’s Learning

Recently, during the International Library month we had some eminent story tellers at our school like Ms. Seema Wahi and Ms. Supriya Vashishta, so thought of digging deeper into the “Art of Storytelling” this time.

One of the earliest forms of education is storytelling. It is something that everyone does and has done for as long as anyone can remember. We tell stories to one another because it helps us to connect and unite.

Our emotions are evoked by stories. We can giggle, cry, feel scared, angry, ponder, and fantasize when they are around. Our mental state is influenced by following a character on an exploratory journey, empathizing with the character’s issue, desiring for a solution, and enjoying in the resolution. 

We are all storytellers as parents and educators. At whatever age level, there are methods to incorporate storytelling into the classroom and at home. Here are a few ideas: 

  • Share your personal experiences with the child: When a kid is struggling to understand a concept or is going through a difficult period, tell them a story from your early years as a child.  This gives them the impression that you get what they’re going through and may even inspire them or provide solutions to their own This gives them the impression that you get what they’re going through and may even inspire them or provide solutions to their own troubles. 
  • Let the children be the storytellers: Why not take a pause and allow kids to read stories aloud to the class or their friends in locality? They might even perform a narrative. They will imitate your reading and storytelling techniques if you have done so well! 
  • Introduce a new concept via a story: Telling a tale is a terrific icebreaker and a way to explain an idea.  It enables the student to relate to the material more effectively and piques their interest prior to learning. You could also be able to draw on existing knowledge, which helps students learn new material. 
  • Motivates students: A competent storyteller may increase students’ interest and motivation, particularly by using motion, having the listeners repeat certain lines, having audience members interact with the story, employing music, and using images to further the narrative. 
  • Boosts listening abilities: By presenting stories in a lighthearted and imaginative manner, teachers and parents may capture learners’ attention—something that is difficult to do in today’s world of social media, television, and other stimulants. Students will be more able to concentrate and really process the information if a tale is told to them. 
  • There is always space for innovation: After reading a narrative, ask the child to rewrite it or come up with a different ending. You can also ask them to write it from the perspective of a different character. Better yet, skip the conclusion entirely and let learners compose their own to keep them guessing. You’ll be shocked at the assortment of versions you get! 

Being one of the best international schools under the aegis of Nord Anglia Education, we strive to deliver the best via teaching methodologies beyond traditional. Feel free to share this blog in your circles, if you find it useful. 

Thoughts by:

Simranpreet Kaur

Communications Manager, Oakridge Mohali

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