The Oak Times

November 2023 Newsletter

“Success is a journey, not a destination.” — Ben Sweetland.
With these thoughts in mind, we have this month’s newsletter out, which is embedded with the articles and poem formulated upon the concept of transforming your thoughts and opinions about how you see things presented to you; even though a small, little thing can be as powerful as an explosion, which justifies the theme “Chota Packet, Bada Dhamaka”. 
Knowingly, the month of November burst with excitement and energy, created by the Annual Concert, Children’s day and Diwali celebration held in the school. The vibrant atmosphere of festive celebrations is unlike any other. As the festivities unfold, the air becomes alive with joy, excitement, and a sense of unity, along with the twinkling decorations, showcasing a kaleidoscope of colors mesmerizing the onlookers. Thus, the greatest glory in living lies in living in a moment and celebrating it. 
By constantly looking for the opportunities of personal growth and happiness, you cultivate resilience and optimism in the face of change. You learn to navigate transitions more smoothly and find ways to make the best of any situation; it allows you to adapt, evolve, and ultimately thrive in an ever-changing world.
So, let’s embrace change and always look for the silver lining. Therefore, if you have a dream, never let go of it, chase it till the end because working hard leads to praising your efforts and celebrating your life.
Without any further delay, here’s the newsletter: 

Tap on the link to read the complete newsletter, written by our Journalism Club: November Newsletter.pdf