Message from the principal

Meet Ms. Suman Kalra, Principal at Oakridge International School, Mohali. With 4 years in Public Relations and an impressive 23 years in education, Ms. Kalra brings a wealth of experience to our school community. Holding degrees in BSc, BEd, M.A. English, and M.A. Education, she embodies a commitment to lifelong learning and growth.

Ms. Kalra finds inspiration in the vibrant energy of young minds and the continuous exchange of knowledge between generations. Engaging in the dynamic learning environment at Oakridge, she values the opportunity to grow alongside both students and educators, making each day in education uniquely rewarding.

Her educational philosophy revolves around fostering a positive and nurturing approach. Embracing a mindset open to learning not only promotes personal growth but also sets a valuable example for others. Ms. Kalra is dedicated to providing opportunities for learners and facilitators to flourish, cultivating a leadership style that instills confidence, a learning attitude, and essential life skills.

Commitment to creating a safe, secure, and happy atmosphere is foundational for Ms. Kalra. She believes in instilling a habit of lifelong learning that empowers individuals and contributes to their continuous personal and professional development. Oakridge’s vision of cultivating a mindset focused on making the world a better place aligns with Ms. Kalra’s holistic approach to education, emphasizing the broader impact individuals can have on society and the well-being of all living beings.