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School Stories

Young Delegates At Primary Model United Nations 2022

  • 15 February 2022

Future Leaders: Young Delegates Shine at Primary Model United Nations 2022

Oakridge International School Gachibowli organized its 6th edition of Primary Model United Nations, Oakridge PMUN 2022 an interactive 2-day online conference for students of Grade 4 and 5. This student-led event is organised and maintained by an Organising Committee, which comprised of 9 student leaders from Oakridge Gachibowli. The opening ceremony of Oakridge PMUN 2022 began with speeches of our chief guest, Mr.Rohan Krishna Ravi, a Public Policy professional at the National Institute of Urban Management said “through events like these it is very helpful for the students to grow in their later stages of life” and by the principal of Oakridge International School Gachibowli, Ms. Hema Chennupaty. Following the introduction of the Executive Board and the opening of the conference by Ms. Hema Chennupaty, the delegates dispersed to their first committee session.

The objective of this whole event is to create a platform where the students across all International Schools could participate and brainstorm the solutions for the leading global issues. This provides them a chance to improve their public speaking skills and awareness of different challenges the world is facing. There was a participation of 160+ students at the virtual event. One of our PMUN Committee Chairpersons Vineet Chitturi says “I was a shy kid and nervous to talk at public gatherings, but when I joined in the first edition of Oakridge PMUN, those two days propelled my journey into MUNs as a delegate and now as an Executive Member. I wish everyone has a great experience as I had.”

The two day conference had the delegates indulging in intense debate and interesting Press Conferences by the International Press. This conference gave the delegates an opportunity to have clarity of thoughts and build their critical thinking skills through debates and discussions on the agendas taken up by the Committees. It also gave them a deep understanding about the impact of these issues on the countries and the people living.

The closing session of the plenary had speeches by the Chairs and the Vice Chairs, followed by announcement of honorary mentions for each of the committees. The PMUN 2022 ended with a final note from the Principal where she declared the conference officially ‘closed’ for this year. The young delegates are inspired to take the legacy of the school forward by inspiring their peers in the community.

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