• 20 February 2023

Spring Renewal: How the season enhances students’ ability to learn

The seasonal change of ‘Winter to Spring’ is a symbol of new beginnings which has always been associated with growth,...

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  • 20 February 2023

5 Tips for Preparing an Impressive University Application

With so many options and each decision having a direct impact on your future, applying to university can be a...

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  • 27 January 2023

From Panic to Peace: Tips for Parents on Managing Exam Stress in Child

EXAMS- It might be just a two week period in student’s life, but it can create an enormous amount of...

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  • 27 January 2023

Why Community Service should be Integrated in School Curriculum

Kailash Satyarthi in his Nobel acceptance speech talked about a story that he heard in his childhood days. “A terrible...

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  • 23 January 2023

Early Habits, Lasting Impact: How Punctuality Shapes Learning

Regular schedule and punctuality are the twin pillars of achieving consistency in classroom. Together, they form the basis of effective...

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  • 13 January 2023

Going Beyond Boundaries: Benefits of Interdisciplinary Teaching

As an educator, I have often wondered about the best way to define a mix of students in a classroom....

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