• 28 May 2022

5 Reasons Why Summer Camp is Important?

Flashbacking to my school days, I can still imagine the adrenaline rush announcement of summer camp would give each one...

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  • 24 May 2022

Alumni talk – Varsha, batch of 2021 narrates her experience.

Oakridge has bought in many different aspects and impacted my educational journey in the process.Oakridge is full of opportunities, be...

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  • 19 May 2022

How to Support Transition of Early Years to Grade 1 – Oakridge expert says

Change is constant, and reactions to change have become part of daily life for adults. However, for children, the process...

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  • 29 April 2022

How will the study at an International School benefit your child in future career?

Being a Communications Manager at Oakridge Mohali, I often meet visitors and parents at school, and I come across a...

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  • 26 April 2022

Precursor To College Application – Oakridgers says how to crack into big leagues.

For most individuals, college admissions is a very crucial phase in their lives. It can often be overwhelming to think...

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  • 22 April 2022

Learning to stay Mindful and Respectful

“Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way; on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally (Jon Kabat-Zinn, 1994).” A...

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