• 31 July 2022

How to overcome Math-o-phobia?

"What the mind can conceive and believe, and the heart desires, you can achieve."― Norman Vincent PealeDid you ever feel butterflies...

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  • 15 July 2022

Scaling New Heights – Oakridge reopens in full swing this year.

School reopens with 100% physical school idea for this academic year 2022 – 2023, we are so happy to welcome...

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  • 13 July 2022

Alumni talk – Aaieza Charania, tells her stories.

 What impact did your time at Oakridge Bachupally School have on you? I've been with Oakridge for 9 years, and over...

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  • 28 June 2022

Why is Music Instrumental Program important for curriculum ?

Music… in itself, is a beautiful thing. It is fulfilling, it is worthwhile, and its appeal is universal.Research shows that...

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  • 20 June 2022

Alumni talk – Proud Yamini , batch of 2021 shares her story

What impact did your time at Oakridge Bachupally School have on you? Oakridge truly shaped me into an ambitious and well-rounded...

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  • 28 May 2022

Parenting Tips on how to inculcate good manners in children?

A well-mannered child will stand out in today's world for all the right reasons. Initiating with saying "Please" and "Thank...

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