• 23 September 2023

Student Journalism Club’s The Oak Times: August Edition

As the sun continues to cast its warm glow upon us, and the echoes of laughter and learning fill our...

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  • 28 August 2023

The Power of Global Education: Building a Better World

In today’s times, the world is connected so closely, and networking cannot be embellished. The power of global education is...

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  • 21 August 2023

Empowering independence in kids through age-appropriate chores

As one of the best international schools in India, we are on a journey to nurture responsible, capable, and confident young...

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  • 10 August 2023

Importance of Community Service – The unstoppable force shaping a caring society

Want your child to be more successful in the classroom and ultimately in life? Don't just tell them to hit...

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  • 4 August 2023

Calming the Storm: 5 Effective Strategies for Handling Your Child’s Tantrums in Public

Has it happened to you? You are in a shopping mall or in a public place and you asked your...

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  • 29 May 2023

Top 4 Advantages of Weekly Boarding: The Best of Both Worlds

As parents, we all want the best for our children. One of the most important decisions we have to make...

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