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Oakridge makes waves in coastal clean-up

  • 29 September 2021

Oakridge Leads the Way in Coastal Clean-Up Efforts

Students at Oakridge International School, Vishakapatnam partnered with Ocean Conservancy, USA, and organised a coastal clean-up event as part of the International Coastal Clean-up Day on the 18th September. More than 140 students, their parents and school staff gathered and cleaned a 2km stretch of the nearby beach collecting more than 140kg of plastic waste!

Oakridge International School has a unique partnership with UNICEF through Nord Anglia Education, promoting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. It is for the schools and society to imbibe the values of responsibility towards environmental issues in our young students. “We should be much more responsible towards our Oceans, small change in our behavior can make a big difference to save the beautiful beaches of our city”, said Ms. Shaila Bhamidipati, Principal of the School.

The Nukkad Natak a.k.a. Street Play by the students, showcasing people’s behavior at the beaches and how it can affect the marine life, was a crowd puller.

Written by Preeti Sahu – Shaping Brands and Inspiring Connections
    • Veena Boocha
    • October 9, 2021 at 1:29 pm

    Excellent appreciations to entire team👍

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