• 15 May 2024

Oakridge Pre-nursery Curriculum: What to expect for a 2yr old!

Are You Curious About Your Toddler's Development? Here's What to Expect at Oakridge International School Bengaluru Pre-nursery! Watching your toddler...

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  • 9 May 2024

Sit less & play more: Tips to keep your toddler engaged

“To grow up healthy, children need to sit less and play more”, says World Health Organisation. 2 years is a...

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  • 21 February 2024

Fostering Holistic Development: Oakridge’s Unique Early Childhood Education Model

Oakridge, celebrated for its unwavering dedication to educational excellence, champions holistic development in early education as a fundamental principle. Understanding...

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  • 5 February 2024

I can say: Communication Skills in IB Early Years Programme

Imagine the 3 scenarios:Child 1: May I Share this toy?Child 2: Yes, take it.Child 1: I want clay.Teacher: Here, use...

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Early years school in hyderabad
  • 25 January 2024

Building a Strong Foundation: Why Oakridge is the Best for Early Years

The formative years of a child's education lay the groundwork for their academic journey, shaping not only their cognitive abilities...

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