• 28 June 2022

Why is Music Instrumental Program important for curriculum ?

Music… in itself, is a beautiful thing. It is fulfilling, it is worthwhile, and its appeal is universal.Research shows that...

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  • 20 June 2022

Alumni talk – Proud Yamini , batch of 2021 shares her story

What impact did your time at Oakridge Bachupally School have on you? Oakridge truly shaped me into an ambitious and well-rounded...

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  • 19 May 2022

How to Support Transition of Early Years to Grade 1 – Oakridge expert says

Change is constant, and reactions to change have become part of daily life for adults. However, for children, the process...

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  • 18 April 2022

Nipping Career Worries At The Bud

We must make sure that a child understands the importance and power of knowledge and grows an urge to learn...

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  • 28 March 2022

Student’s view – The Group 4 Scientific Explorations

What Help Conserve, Electrolyse, Transform And Irrigate With Water."Everything is theoretically impossible until it is done." - Robert A. HeinleinFor...

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  • 22 March 2022

The impact of participation in Art

Art Unlocks the Door to LearningResearch shows that two hours of arts participation each week improves our mental wellbeing. In...

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