• 14 June 2024

How Oakridge Extends Parental Support During School Transitions

Parents often express concern about how well their child will adjust to a new school, whether the transition will disrupt...

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  • 24 April 2024

Things to do before Travelling to your Chosen University in India or Abroad

As most of the DP2 students hold multiple university offers and confirmed their admission to a particular one, it's time...

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  • 19 May 2022

How to Support Transition of Early Years to Grade 1 – Oakridge expert says

Change is constant, and reactions to change have become part of daily life for adults. However, for children, the process...

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top ib schools in hyderabad
  • 16 March 2022

Transitioning back to physical schooling: 5 Major Challenges & How Parents Can Help

With schools now fully open, students are returning to physical schooling. Week on week we are seeing increasing attendance percentage...

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